A Letter from Russia: The Sublimation of War

Good Sunday, Darling!

How do you manage not to despair when reading, listening to, and seeing the barbarities, atrocities, and injustices that are becoming daily news?

The bombings, tortures, executions, and genocides may seem distant, but what does “distant” mean when you have friends in Russia, Iran, Palestine, and Israel, when Ukraine borders the EU?

During our tours in Russia, we have encountered countless actors, directors, artists. Their repression is increasing, the virus of the totalitarian system is crushing an entire people. We share a letter from Olga Karlova, an actress at theatre X in X, which we have received in these days.

Dear Markus! I thank you immensely for your message and thought: it is a lifebuoy in the surrounding swamp. Absolute isolation? No. There remain two or three friends with whom to vent bitterness and hatred, but unfortunately, the despair remains. It is now clear that the malady has struck not merely many individuals but an entire... (read on)
A Letter from Russia: The Sublimation of War
During our tours in Russia, we have encountered countless actors, directors, artists. Their repression is increasing, the virus of the totalitarian system is crushing an entire people. We share a letter from Olga Karlova, an actress at theatre X in X, which we have received in these days.

Trailer BEYOND – Inside the Mind of Adolf Wölfli

The Markus Zohner Arts Company is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new theatre production on the life and artistic legacy of Swiss artist Adolf Wölfli. Here is the brand-new trailer!

Play Trailer

The performance provides an intimate look into Wölfli’s inner world, bringing to life the story of a man broken by the hardships of a youth as a Verdingbub, a contract child, following his life story from childhood struggles to the creation of his enormous body of artworks, writings, and musical compositions.


We are often asked: where are you, what are you up to? Markus has finally decided to send updates on this page on a more or less consistent basis.


Markus Zohner Arts Company


We write, create, and produce theatre performances, cultural events, radio shows, podcasts, books, and creative writing courses to share unforgettable stories with people in our community, nationally, and worldwide. We perform on stages all over the world, at schools, on the big screen, or virtually. Furthermore, we strive to be as inclusive and diverse as possible.

Our artistic starting point is an interest and curiosity directed towards theatrical forms based on… (read on)

Markus Zohner Arts Company (English) - Markus Zohner Arts Company
We write, create, and produce theatre performances, cultural events, radio shows, podcasts, books and creative writing courses to share unforgettable stories

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